Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Congratulations to Friends of the Earth Cymru

On Tuesday 23rd July at the Royal Welsh Show, Welsh Government Natural Resources Minister Alun Davies launched the final Action Plan for Pollinators which was a direct result of Friends of the Earth Cymru meetings with Welsh Government officials.

This represents a huge victory for The Bee Cause campaign. The Plan starts off with a welcome commitment to establishing a taskforce to carry through the various proposals. Some of these proposals include working through established agri-environment schemes to provide help, advice and support to farmers in Wales; working with local authorities and other land managers to promote best practice as well as using an award scheme to promote pollinator friendly schemes.

There is also a welcome commitment to establish an Urban Pollinators Initiative for Wales, to work with schools and to provide help and funding for community led projects. There is much to commend this plan and it is down to Friends of the Earth Cymru that bees in Wales may finally have something to smile about! A huge well done to all in Cymru who've been involved.

You can add your thoughts and ask any questions on the Welsh plan to the Hubs thread here:,2069.0.html

Fracking in the news...

about fracking in London, today Lord Howell suggests that "fracking should be carried out in the 'desolate' north-east of England." Read the article in today's Guardian -

Meanwhile, "excessive force" has been used against protesters in West Sussex - are protesting over plans by Cuadrilla, a fracking company chaired by former BP chief executive Lord Browne, to explore for oil and 
gas in Balcombe, West Sussex.

What is fracking?
Fracking is a process used to extract shale gas from rock formations thousands of metres below the Earth's surface. A well is drilled and millions of litres of water containing a cocktail of often-toxic chemicals are forced into the rock at high pressures to fracture it and release the gas.

What are the human and environmental costs of fracking?
- Our drinking water could be poisoned
  • - Our air could be polluted
  • - Test fracking in Lancashire has already caused two earthquakes
  • - Fracking keeps us hooked on fossil fuels and flies in the face of our country's legally binding commitments to cut CO2 emissions
  • - Fracking could also threaten farming, local tourism, house prices and jobs

Click on the link below for a map that shows the areas of the UK currently licensed and under consideration for licensing. Enter your postcode and see if your neighbourhood is at risk from fracking.